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Well, This is Awkward — On Year Three of Blogging

Or lack thereof.

I think it’s entirely relevant and telling to inform you I started writing this blog post January 4th 2023. I’m only now returning to it now, in May.


I’m no expert but… I think I’m noticing a trend.

What can I really say about this year that I’m alright leaving on the internet forever, attributed to my name?

What can I say about this year that I haven’t already screamed about on a social media platform?

What can I tell you about this year that you’ll care to know?

Why am I typing this blog post right now?

Who reads blogs in 2023?

Why does it matter?

Does anyone care?

I don’t know that I’ll ever understand, fully, why humans create art (even if part of me feels like I know why humans create art as I type this.) I certainly won’t ever know why I thought paying for an internet domain and running (a poorly maintained) blog about… such niche topics like… writing? and books I’ve read? would grab anyone’s attention in the year of our lord–ahem.

All I really know is:

Sometimes I feel moved to share something where there’s a chance for a person, a stranger? a friend? To read it. Whenever I follow my intuition, the universe finds a way to tell me — someone else needed to read this, too.

That’s why I write.

For me first, but also for you.


1 thought on “Well, This is Awkward — On Year Three of Blogging”

  1. Hello! I read blogs. 🙂 Though I have noticed there are fewer of them than there were a few years ago.

    And I want to hear whatever it is you have to say, even if you already said it on social media (where’s it’s super easy to miss).

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