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Puppy Diaries: What’s a Holiday?

Hi again!

Sorry it took me so long to write! The last two weeks have been a whirlwind. I can’t even believe it’s been two whole weeks since I came to my forever home. So much has happened, I don’t even know where to start.

Well, first of all, I’ve had to get back in the rumbly metal box a bunch of times. I don’t like it. I can’t even cuddle in momma’s lap; instead she puts me in this (admittedly cozy) seat and sits in the front of the rumbly box. She makes it move somehow, I guess, I don’t like it. The rumbling grumbles my tummy and makes me drool. But, whenever we get out of the rumbly box, we’re somewhere with new smells! So many new smells. And new humans!

Like my grandparents! They are also human two-leggers, they are very friendly. Most of all, they have a big yard and woods for me to frolic in! I stayed at my grandparents for a few sunrises and sunsets, and in the beginning that cold white stuff was on the ground. It was tasty and I didn’t mind it so much this time. Then one evening, the humans were busy-bodies all day and strange and wonderful smells were everywhere. Then I got new toys in the evening! All the humans were making “Merry Christmas” sounds at each other. Maybe it’s some sort of holiday? Is a holiday a new friend? I’m not sure.

Snoozing with all my new toys!

Anyways, I was kinda sad when momma put me back in the rumbly box. I didn’t want to leave my grandparents. My human seemed a little sad too. But then the smells at my forever home were familiar and momma let me cuddle on her couch for the first time, and all was well.

OH! I almost forgot: I met a new dog friend! His name is Remy. He is a Shih-poo. I hope we become best friends. We barked at each other so much! It was stimulating conversation. He said humans still exist after they go behind doors. I don’t see how that’s possible. We barked long and loud at each other. The humans seemed confused; they don’t understand the intricacies of a good debate, clearly. Silly humans.

Me and Remy and my Grandparents’ home!

I think another holiday happened the other night. Something about a “New Year”? Whatever a year is. But Momma stayed up with me extra late, and was drinking something fizzy and bubbly that made her extra smiley.

I tried real hard to stay up with my momma for this New Year’s, but she sat on the carpet with me, and it was too tempting to cuddle up and go to sleep. Momma is the ultimate pillow.

Napping on “New Year’s”

Whatever this “New Year” is, I hope it brings many more cuddles and new adventures to me and all pups and their humans.

– T

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