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Puppy Diaries: Part One, Hello World!


Did you boop my nose for good luck? It’s very soft.

My name’s Teia! I think. I’m not sure, but my new human keeps making the “Tea-ah” sound and getting excited when I look at her. My new human sits at her small glowy box and makes clickity-clack noises, so I wanted to give it a try too. Shhhh, I think she’s napping right now.

The last few sunrises and sunsets have been confusing, but I’m trying to be the goodest girl. It all started when my new human put me in a huge rumbly metal moving box. I had to sit still in my human’s lap for so long! My tummy was upset by all the rumbling, so much that I tossed all my cookies. My human pet me after and let me curl on her arm , so I calmed down and napped. But it took FOREVER. Like, it might have taken my whole life until the humans let me out of the rumble box. And when they did let me out, the ground was weird and white and cold.

I did NOT approve.

There was also this heavy rope thing on my neck. It stopped me from frolicking like I wanted to. Worst of all? I had to get back in the rumbly metal box.

But, my human’s lap was warm, and smelled a little bit like my mom, Curry, so I napped again and tried to ignore the metal box’s bumps and rumbles. In my dreams I cuddled with my litter mates. We romped and rolled and tumbled over one another! Then collapsed into a puddle of fluff.

My last cuddle puddle with my friends

But when I woke up, my litter mates were nowhere to be found. I miss them. Nothing smells familiar in this new place, except my food.

I had to sleep all alone tonight. Disturbingly, the human took off a layer of her fur and gave it to me. It smelled like her, and my mom, and was warm and fun to chew, so I curled up on it. But when my new human left me alone in my crate, I cried. How could I not? I’ve never slept without my litter mates puddled around me. The human kept waking up and taking me outside when I whined, and she gave me a crunchy shark to chew on. I think the shark is my second favorite toy, because I have a purple dragon who is soft. I like to pounce on him!

I’m tired now. I’m going to sleep again. I might write later, if I can sneak away while my human is distracted.


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